

As defined by Merriam-Webster: "In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, alchemists who sought to concoct the "elixir of life" (which would give eternal life) and the "philosopher's stone" (which would turn ordinary metals into gold) also labored to find the panacea. But no such medicine was ever found, just as no solution to all of a society's difficulties has ever been found. Thus, panacea is almost always used to criticize the very idea of a total solution. "

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In current times people think that machine learning is the panacea, a belief that is far from the truth. At panacea lab we aim to build machine learning, computer vision, and NLP methods that help to generate insights from multi-modal large-scale data sources. With applications to precision medicine, medical informatics, astroinformatics and other domains, our work addresses domain-specific problems with data science methods and practices. Additionally, we are fully invested in helping science reproducibility by releasing (when possible) open-source and publicly available datasets and tools to aid reproducibility efforts.

With the new challenges brought by the data deluge in all fields, we are open to collaborations. Contact us here.

Our lab is supported by: Department of Veterans Affairs (Grant 1 I01 HX002487-01) and National Institute of Aging through Stanford Universitiy's Stanford Aging & Ethnogeriatrics Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center (SAGE) center (Grant 3P30AG059307-02S1)




R package for Automated PHenotype Routine for Observational Definition, Identification, Training and Evaluation (APHRODITE). Built the OHDSI collaborative.

Github Link


R package for Mapping Between OHDSI Concept Identifiers to Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). Built for the OHDSI collaborative.

Github Link


A curated and standardized adverse drug event resource to accelerate drug safety research. Built for the 旋风加速器专业版下载安装

Dryad Link | 旋风加速器下载


泡泡加速器_吃鸡加速器_网游加速器 -「泡泡加速器 ...:2021-5-7 · 泡泡加速器是绝地求生加速器/ 吃鸡加速器,是专业为外服网游设计的网游加速器。泡泡加速器采用云智能加速技术,傻瓜式优化压榨电脑性能,按小时计费,方便快捷,畅玩到爽!登陆官网下载即可 ...

Harvard Dataverse Link | 旋风加速器ios下载网站


Provenance-centered dataset of drug-drug interactions.

Github Link


Introducing a Data Mining Framework for the Creation of Large-scale Content-based Image Retrieval Systems

Github Link

For a other code and datasets visit the lab's github page.


    1. All
    2. Biomedical Informatics
    3. Solar Informatics

Advances in Electronic Phenotyping: From Rule-Based Definitions to Machine Learning Models

Project Title

A large-scale solar dynamics observatory image dataset for computer vision applications

Project Title

Characterizing treatment pathways at scale using the OHDSI network


Electronic phenotyping with APHRODITE and the Observational Health Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) data network

Project Title

QQ旋风下载-QQ旋风4.8官方下载-PC下载网:2021-6-13 · PC下载网下载工具频道,为您提供qq旋风(超级旋风)官方最新版、qq旋风(超级旋风)绿色免费版等下载工具软件下载。更多qq旋风(超级旋风)4.8.773 官方版历史版本,请到PC下载网!

Project Title

Regional content-based image retrieval for solar images: Traditional versus modern methods

Project Title

Provenance-Centered Dataset of Drug-Drug Interactions

Project Title

Solar Event Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Project Title

For a full list of publications go here.




Principal Investigator






CS PhD Student


Bhaskar Ray

CS PhD Student



MS Student


Geeth Anirudh Suryadevara

MS Student


Kimberly Luviano-Garcia

UAP Scholar


Contact info

25 Park Place - Suite 752,
Atlanta, GA 30303


+1 404-413-5585

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